29 Ocak 2012 Pazar

Turkey's population is 74.724.269

Address-based population registration system 2011 according to population census results Turkey’s populations increased 1 million 1 thousand 281 person. And last number of population became 74 million 724 thousand 269 person. 67.4 % of population become between of year 15 - 64.
Additionally Turkey’s metropolitan city is Istanbul. Also this city the most crowded place in Turkey. 13 million 624 thousand 240 person reside in this mega city.

Turkey’s population is going to be 75 million. Still per square kilometer 97 people. Turkey’s population 1.35 % increased end of the 2011 and it became 74.724.269. It was 73.722.988 in 2010 and it went up 1 million 1 thousand 281 people. Even thought if we look the population’s gender.b 50.2 % male (37.532.954) and 49.8% female (37.191.315). Turkey has 81 city. And in 2011 56 cities increased if you compare previous year. However 25 cities populations decreased.

17 Million People Live in the Village

Turkey Statistical Institute (Turk Stat), address-based population registration system 2011, population census results: Turkey's per year increase of population is 1.35 percent. On the other hand, Turkey population 76.8% live city and county. This is 57.385.706 number for who live city and county. And 17.338.563 small town, burgh and village.

18.2 % live in Istanbul

According the address based census 18.2 % of the total population live in Istanbul. 13.624.240 live in amazing and crowded city. And Ankara comes second most crowded city in Turkey. Which is capital city of Turkey and population is 4.890.893 with 6.6 percent. In this way, third city about population is Izmir. The number is 3.965.232 with 5.3 percent. Fourth city Bursa with 2.652.126 like so 3.6percent. And 2.8 percent with 2.108.805 Adana. Which is south of the Turkey. Finally the least city is Bayburt. The resident int his city only 76.724.

Turkey's average age is 29.7

Address-based population registration system 2011 according to population census results Turkey’s age average date there are:
- Turkey’s average age is 29.7
- This average is 29.1 for male and 30.3 for female.
- Who live city and county their average age is 29.5 and then who live mall town, burgh and village this number increase 30.5.
67.4 % of the Population Between 15-64 Years

- Between the years of 15-64 who is in working age this population is 50.346.979. And establish total pf the population 67.4 percent.
- Turkey’s population 25.3% id 18.889.575 and between the years of 0-14.
- And last 7.3 % is 5.490.715 and they are upper 65 years old.

Important Figure for Population Movement

- Turkey’s population increased 1.35 % if you compare with 2010.
- 37.532.954 male and 37.191.315 female.
- In 2011, 56 cities population increased when you compare previous year however 25 cities population decreased.
- 18.2 % of total population live in Istanbul.

81 Turkey’s City and its Population

City       /     Population

Adana     2.105.805
Adıyaman     593.931
Afyonkarahisar     698.626
Ağrı     555.479
Amasya     323.079
Ankara     4.890.893
Antalya     2.043.482
Artvin     166.394
Aydın     999.163
Balıkesir     1.154.314
Bilecik     203.849
Bingöl     262.263
Bitlis      336.624
Bolu     276.506
Burdur     250.527
Bursa      2.652.126
Çanakkale     486.445
Çankırı     177.211
Çorum     534.578
Denizli     942.278
Diyarbakır     1.570.943
Edirne     399.316
Elazığ     558.556
Erzincan     215.277
Erzurum     780.847
Eskişehir     781.247
Gaziantep     1.753.596
Giresun     419.498
Gümüşhane     132.374
Hakkari     272.165
Hatay     1.474.223
Isparta     411.245
Mersin     1.667.939
İstanbul     13.624.240
İzmir     3.965.232
Kars      305.755
Kastamonu     359.759
Kayseri     1.255.349
Kırklareli    340.199
Kırşehir     221.015
Kocaeli     1.601.720
Konya     2.038.555
Kütahya     564.264
Malatya     757.930
Manisa     1.340.074
Kahramanmaraş      1.054.210
Mardin     764.033
Muğla     838.324
Muş     414.706
Nevşehir     283.247
Niğde     337.553
Ordu     714.390
Rize     323.012
Sakarya     888.556
Samsun    1.251.729
Siirt     310.468
Sinop     203.027
Sivas     627.056
Tekirdağ      829.873
Tokat     608.299
Trabzon     757.353
Tunceli     85.062
Şanlıurfa     1.716.254
Uşak     339.731
Van     1.022.532
Yozgat     465.696
Zonguldak     612.406
Aksaray    378.823
Bayburt     76.724
Karaman     234.005
Kırıkkale     274.992
Batman 524.499
Şırnak     457.997
Bartın    187.291
Ardahan     107.455
Iğdır     188.857
Yalova     206.535
Karabük     219.728
Kilis     124.452
Osmaniye     485.357
Düzce    342.146

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