7 Şubat 2011 Pazartesi

Managing in a Global Environment

World is small. Because we are living global world. 21st century name is smart age. We haven’t got borders for life. If you want go wherever in the earth, you will use plane. Distance is not important. People change the country quickly and easily.

International vicious cycle is important for all of the country. Environment is affecting our business. We study in environment. Business is dependent on environment. And communication is faster and cheaper. You send mail to your customer and country isn’t important because you have internet. Technology has benefit for the humanity. This is big values for us. If you want learn information, it is possible and fast. People are sharing information very much. All of the people learn knowledge easy. You can write in the internet what you want and then learn all of the things. Only you can use your mouse and click the sites. Some people are very conservative and they say; internet is damage people, they spend time vainly. This conservative people say: we are out, we don’t want use it. This is ridiculous.People have a brain. You can use your brain and then discuss with yourself. The world is global. If you close or don’t look the internet, you won’t follow world. Your idea same with homosapien. Who don’t use the internet, this people same with who live in den.

Management and organization are not isolated from international force. Globalization is important for all of the people. Trade barriers have fallen. And consumer tastes converge.
The difficulties and risks of a borderless world are matched by benefits and opportunities.
Firstly people did Domestic Trade. This is local and you have one best way. And then people had relations with other country for this reason they adapt international Trade. They said many good ways. Sometimes they did Multinational Trade. This subject assumes the least cost way. And the last one is the most important and common subject. It is name is Global Trade. We are using it and it has same headline with international trade. Now we are using many good ways. Strategies for Entering International Markets chart is the most important for an organizational strategy for entering a foreign market. It has some important subject.
Exporting is transferring products for sale to foreign countries. This number is important value for country develop. You earn money in exporting market. If you stock one market, you are put in input market. With exporting, the corporation maintains its production facilities within the home nation and transfers its products for sale in foreign countries. Outsourcing is a common way for the company. It is also off shoring work activities are done in countries with cheap labour. China is leader in outsourcing. Global outsourcing, also called offshorings, means engaging in the international division of labour so that work activities can be done in countries with the cheapest sources of labour and supplies. Franchising occurs when a franchisee buys a complete package of materials and services, including equipment, products, product ingredient, trademark and trade name rights, managerial advice, and a standardized operating system, as well as the name and systems of the franchisor. The fast-food chains are some of the best-known franchisors. McDonalds established in USA. And then they started franchising system. Now many countries have got McDonald. It is the same taste all of the restaurant.

Globalization, in economy, we mean a fully open economic system in which all the word can be considered one single large market where firms source capitals, products and technology, establish facilities, employ people, produce, sell and compete wherever more convenient, irrespectively from their origin, and capitals move freely in search of best investment, wherever they could be.

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